H.H.第三世多杰羌佛的工巧明: 中國畫作:毫端入聖
H.H. 第三世多杰羌佛 的工巧明: 中國畫作:毫端入聖 Brushwork that Has Reached a Holy State 毫端入聖 Artist: H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III H.H. 第三世多杰羌佛 這幅山水畫滲透了 羌佛 精湛的書法和繪畫技巧。乍一看,感覺這幅作品亂中有序。仔細觀察后,你會發現 羌佛 熟練的工筆,將各個細節完美的串聯在一起。一些場景看似很遠,卻近在眼前。看似近在眼前的,卻遠在天邊。這幅畫的亮點在於,通過色調的平衡,完美詮釋了朦朧感與密集感。通過這幅作品,展現了 羌佛 卓越的藝術才能。作品的點睛之筆是隱藏在山脈中的幾間小屋。這幅畫的風格完全脫離了傳統風俗,隨意幾筆畫出的小屋,襯托了周圍的一草一木,給整幅作品增添了幾分生氣。 This landscape painting was created with masterful calligraphic touches of the brush. At first glance, the image appears somewhat although not totally chaotic, for there is also order amid the chaos. However, when this painting is carefully viewed, one will see why it is a masterful work of perfect order in which all parts interconnect. Some scenes seem to be so afar. Even the closer roads seem to lead to faraway places. Charm is expressed through the proper balance of dense and light tones and haziness. The high artistic state of depicting a painting through calligraphic skills in fully exhibited...